Sukkos, and Simchas Torah, and rain

10 10 2007

So, it poured for the first three days of Sukkos.  Yep, nothing quite like pouring rain for the holiday that involves eating outside.  🙂  Fortunatly, it cleared up for most of the meals, and we were able to eat in the Sukkah, but still…  Made walking over a bit of a task. 

Simchas Torah was good fun.  Singing, dancing, probably driving the neighbors crazy, and irritating at least the one person who was trying to drive down the road while we were all dancing outside.  🙂  But like I said, crazy fun. 

On that note, I’m looking for ideas. I’m in my senior year, and the core group of us who go to Chabad often want to get them a gift at the end of the year, for the 3-4 years that they’ve been family for us here on campus.  Our budget is about 200-300 dollars.  Any good ideas?  🙂  Thanks!

(Side note: This weekend it POURED rain twice here.  Like, massive deluge resulting in pool sized puddles 6 inches deep all over campus. 🙂  It was amazing.)

(Also also:  This morning MSN randomly asked me if I want to use MSN-Israel.  Is it doing that to everyone, or just me?  And does anyone know why it would do that?)